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- Largest Manufacturer and Supplier of Fiberglass Flexible Stone Veneer
Fiberglas South Grey Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm south grey fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Terra Red Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm terra red fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Copper Red Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm copper red fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Ocean Green Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm ocean green fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Amehtyst Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm amethyst fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Auroro Multi Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm auroro multi fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Autumn Rustic Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm autumn rustic fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Black Shimmer Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm black shimmer fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Multicolor Peacock Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm multicolor peacock fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Indian Autumn Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm indian autumn fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Silver Grey Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm silver grey fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets D Green Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm d green fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Ocean Black Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm ocean black fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Copper Multi Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm copper multi fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets D Copper Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm d copper fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Forest Fire Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm forest fire fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Grey Beauty Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm grey beauty fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Multi Pink Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm multi pink fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Muskeg Noir Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm muskeg noir fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Burning Forest Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm burning forest fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Geeignete Verwendungszwecke Küche, Wohnen, Badezimmer, Kamin, Decken, Büro- und Wohneinrichtungen, Schranktüren und Möbel, Tischplatten und Empfangstheken, Wände und Decken, Innenausstattung für Schiffe, Flugzeuge, Fahrzeuge und Yachten, Messeausstellungen, Fassaden/Zäune/Wohnhäuser. Sockel, Nassräume Oberflächenfinish Riven (100 % Natursteinoberfläche) Dicke der Steinfurnierplatte 1,5 bis 2 mm Gewicht der Steinfurnierplatte 1,5 Kilogramm (122 x 61 cm / Blatt) 6 Kilogramm (244 x 122 cm / Blatt) Steinfurnierblatt Preis Bitte senden Sie uns eine E-Mail für den Preis der Furnierblätter Leben mit Schiefersteinfurnier Mehr als 20 Jahre Proben Sind im Format 30 x 20 cm (A4-Format) erhältlich. Transportvorteil 300 Blatt bzw. 223,26 qm / Kiste Geeignete Untergründe Beton, Fliesen, Holz, Metall usw. Verpackung Zuerst in einer Wellpappschachtel und dann in einer Holzkiste Rollenverpackung Auch erhältlich (122x61 – 5 Blätter können gerollt werden, 244x122 – 1 Blatt kann gerollt werden) und versandt werden Beste Imprägnierung / Versiegelung Am besten eignet sich auch das „Nano Repellant“ & Sealer der Akemi Company von Fila Industria Chimica Spa, Italien Beste Klebstoffe / Leime (a) Super Flex Eco von Kerakoll’s Company (b) Epoxy Eco von Kerakoll’s Company (c) Latapoxy-270 der Firma MYK Laticrete Schneiden mit Hartmetallbestückte Kreissäge, Fertigkreissäge (Diamantsägeblatt, Steinsäge) Bohren und Fräsen Ja, möglich, Sie können nur Werkzeuge für die Holz- oder Steinindustrie verwenden. Flexibilität Kann durch Erhitzen erhöht werden (mit einer Heißluftpistole bei ca. 400 °C) Hauptvorteile Hochflexibel, wetterfest, langlebig, verschiedene Muster, kratzfrei, leicht zu reinigen We supply fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets in following demanding sizes: We can deliver custom-made sizes also MOQ: 4'x2' = 100 sheets at least (800 sq. ft. to cover) MOQ: 8'x4' = 100 sheets at least (3200 sq. ft. to cover) Die Einsatzmöglichkeiten sind grenzenlos, es hängt ganz von Ihrer Fantasie ab, von runden Säulen, Zäunen, Fassaden bis hin zu Einkaufszentren oder Bürogebäuden. Im Innenbereich kann das Produkt in Wohnzimmern, Küchen, Clubs, Saunen und sogar Kellern verwendet werden. Flexible Steinfurnierplatten sind sehr anpassungsfähig und können auch für Möbelstücke wie Türen, Schränke, Tische usw. verwendet werden. Dieses flexible Schieferfurnier, bekannt als „Steintapete“, ist nur 1,5–3 mm dick (1–2). kg/qm), lässt sich recht leicht schneiden. Hergestellt mit moderner deutscher Technologie, kann es bei Kontakt mit UV-Strahlen nicht beschädigt werden und ist wasserbeständig (Duschen, Nassbereiche, Saunen, Badezimmer, Keller). Es kann ohne Verstärkung in Außenverkleidungen eingesetzt werden. Bitte beachten Sie, dass keine zwei Blätter genau gleich sind und Abweichungen in Farbe und Textur zu erwarten sind. Sie können mit Ihrer Wand, Ihren Möbeln, Kücheneinheiten oder Rückwänden, Badezimmern, Kaminen oder Außenwänden wunderbare Akzente setzen. D Grünes Schieferfurnier, auch bekannt als Piedra Flexible, Ultra Thin Stone, Steinfurnier, Piatra Flessible, Skinrock, Slate Veneer, Fornir Kamienny, Flexstone, Stone Sheets, Rockflex, Stenfaner, ist ein umweltfreundlicher Naturstein. Brooklyn Grey Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm Brooklyn Grey fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Black Rustic Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm black rustic fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Black Bordeaux Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm black bordeaux fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Autumn Mist Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm autumn mist fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Autumn Gold Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm autumn gold fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets S White Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm s white fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Silver Galaxy Gold Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm silver galaxy gold fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Spray Green Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm spray green fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Terra White Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm terra white fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Silver Shine Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm silver shine fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Deep Sea Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm deep sea fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Premium Black Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm premium black fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Black Storm Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm black storm fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets California Gold Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm california gold fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Silver Galaxy Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm silver galaxy fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Chicago Summer Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm chicago summer fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Golden Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm golden fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Ocean Multi Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm oceam multi fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Silver Shine Gold Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm silver shine gold fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Zeera Green Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm zeera green fibreglass flexible stone veneer sheets Explore Other Product Categories Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels Macbook Cover Filter using Product Tags Natural Stone Veneer Flexible Slate Lightweight Stone Veneer Stone Veneer Cheap Flexible Stone Veneer Flexiblestone Real Stone Veneer Thin Stone Veneer Backlit Décor Buy Flexible Stone Veneer
- Manufacturer Exporter of Stone Veneer Flexible from India
Willkommen in der Welt von Flexible Steinfurniere aus Indien Ein Angebot bekommen Ein innovatives Produkt von Rajasthan Slate & Stone Exports Inc. 100 % natürlich Produkt aus Stein Erhältlich in mehr als 100 Sorten Mit unbegrenzten Anwendungsmöglichkeiten Über uns Unsere Produkte aus flexiblen Natursteinfurnieren werden in unserer Steinfabrik in Indien hergestellt und wir vermarkten sie und versenden sie in LCL-/FCL-Containerladungen in die ganze Welt. Lern mehr Über Steinfurniere Leicht Einfache Installation 100 % Natursteinprodukt Schön und langlebig Lern mehr STONE VENEER FLEXIBLE TOP NOTCH MANUFACTURER EXPORTER & SUPPLIER OF UNIQUE FLEXIBLE STONE VENEERS FROM INDIA We are the finest manufacturer exporter and supplier of flexible stone veneer from India that’s known as slate veneer / thin stone veneer/ piedra flex / naturstein furnier / flexystone / piedra flexible / steinfurnier / stenfaner / piedrafina / fornir kamienny / ultra thin stone / piatra flessible / flexstone / okładziny kamienne / stone sheets / rockflex / skinrock in the international market. We produce and supply the widest range of flexible stone veneers from India. Produktkategorien Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels Macbook Cover Referenzen Endlose Möglichkeiten Ich wollte mich nur für so schöne Waldbrand-Furnierblätter bedanken, die mir sehr gefallen, nach der Installation ist es wunderbar geworden. Besser als ich dachte, es könnte. Gonzales Vielen Dank für Ihre hervorragende Lieferung von dünnen flexiblen Steinfurnierplatten. Ich versichere Ihnen, dass ich Ihr Unternehmen anderen Bedürftigen wärmstens empfehlen werde. Aigül Lern mehr Meine Familie und ich mochten Ihre dünnen Steinfurnierblätter und sie sind einfach wunderschön! Vielen Dank auch für die pünktliche Lieferung, das bedeutet wirklich viel!". Hernández WERDEN UNSERE AGENTEN WERDE TEIL UNSERES WELTKLASSE-TEAMS Lern mehr Verpackung Wir legen größten Wert auf die Verpackung von dünnen flexiblen Steinfurnierplatten, um die Qualitätsstandards einzuhalten . Lern mehr Fabrik Wir besitzen eine hochmoderne Infrastrukturbasis und Produktionseinheit. Lern mehr CONTACT Send us a message and we’ll get back to you shortly. Email Phone Country Your message Send Thanks for submitting! Geben sie ihre E-Mailadresse ein Abonnieren Danke fürs Abonnieren! We love to help, Please email us to ask Call Now! +91-9829446944 Not convenient to speak? We offer a handy chat service and will make sure we give you all the friendly guidance you may need. Filter using Product Tags Waferthin Stone Sheets Skin Flexible Slate Flexible Ardesia Panels Liteslate Flexible Stone Veneer Factories in India Schiefer Furnier Ardesio Steinpaneel 2 MM Flexible Marble Piedrafina Limestone Flexible Veneer Manufacturer
- Disclaimer | StoneVeneerFlexible
Disclaimer Accuracy of Information on Our Website: We have made every effort to ensure the information presented on our website is accurate and up to date. However, should you come across any inadvertent errors or discrepancies, please know that they were unintentional. We greatly appreciate your understanding and encourage you to notify us of any such instances so that we can promptly address and correct them. Quality Assurance: We are committed to providing and exporting products of the highest quality. However, as stone is a natural material, each piece is unique, and no two are identical. The variations in color and texture are inherent characteristics of the stone. To ensure your satisfaction, we seek customer approval of samples before shipment. Please note that, due to the natural variations in stone, the delivered product may differ slightly from the approved sample, and we ask for your understanding in this regard. Images in the website / catalogue: Since computer monitors and color perception will differ, all photographs should be considered as representative portrayals only. Stone is a natural product and varies in color, texture, and size depending on installation methods. Before ordering stone, we strongly suggest you obtain current HD images and videos or samples if you wish. Packaging and Delivery: We take great care in packaging our products securely in robust containers to ensure they reach our customers in perfect condition. Prior to dispatch, we provide photos and videos of the packaged products to our buyers for their approval. While we take every precaution to prevent damage, please note that, due to the nature of multiple handling during transit, rare instances of breakage may occur. In such cases, Stone Veneer Flexible does not accept liability for claims, but we do offer support through insurance coverage to assist our customers in resolving any issues. Delivery: While we strive to ensure timely delivery of all orders, there may be rare instances of delays due to unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters (e.g., floods, storms, heavy rainfall) or civil disruptions (e.g., strikes, unrest, port shutdowns, lockdowns). In such cases, we will promptly inform our customers of any delays. Stone Veneer Flexible does not accept liability for claims resulting from such delays, as they are beyond our control. Availability of Materials: As stone is a natural resource, there may be times when certain quarries are temporarily exhausted, leading to the unavailability of specific colors. While we strive to maintain a steady supply, such situations can occasionally arise. Rest assured, we keep our customers promptly informed of any such occurrences to ensure transparency and manage expectations. Policy Changes: We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer statement and related business practices at any time by posting updated text on this site. Questions? We Can Help. Call / WhatsApp: +91-9829446944
- Privacy Policy | StoneVeneerFlexible
Privacy Policy This privacy policy covers Stone Veneer Flexible and its Web site, : This is how we handle information we learn about you from your visit to our Web site. The information our Web servers gather depends upon what you do when visiting our site. Please note that our servers are not set up to collect any personally identifying information about you when you visit sites hosted on them. The only personal information about you that is gathered is the information you choose to provide to us. If you visit our site, we collect and store only the following anonymous information about your visit: The name of the domain from which you access the Internet (for example,, if you are connecting from a Gmail Online account) and the Internet Protocol (IP) address or host name which may or may not identify a specific computer. The date and time you access our site. The pages you visit. The Internet address of the Website from which you linked directly to our site. These Web access logs may be preserved indefinitely and used at any time and in any way necessary to prevent security breaches and to ensure the integrity of the data on our servers. We do not collect information through the use of Web browser cookies. With the exception of Web access and email log data that is collected from all visitors, we do not collect any information on-line from children. If you send us an E-mail or submit information in a Form: You may decide to send us personally identifying information (for example, your mailing address) in an electronic mail message or Web-based form requesting that information or products be mailed to you. Information collected in this manner is used solely for responding to your request unless noted in the specific Web page where your request is made. We do not share this information with any other party (government agencies, commercial and non-commercial entities, or the public) not directly involved in the processing of an order placed on our Web site. If the information is shared with a third party to process an online financial transaction, we require that third party to maintain the confidentiality of your information. Form output submitted to databases or other data gathering mechanisms may be stored indefinitely. We also retain an email log of the time each message is received by the server, the source and destination address of each message, the time each message is forwarded, and the delivery status of each message. We will not use your e-mail address to create any type of mailing list or utilize your e-mail address for any reason other than to respond to your request. The email log may be retained indefinitely. Our Web site is hosted on our own servers, therefore form output and E-mails sent to us are transmitted to us via closed internal system. Those e-mails are not ever intercepted, read or stored by any Stone Veneer Flexible personnel other than those for whom they are intended Be assured that any personal information you share with us will not be sold, transferred or disclosed to third parties without your prior consent. In the event that Stone Veneer Flexible Company is ever bought, sold, or merged with another entity, we reserve the right to transfer all of our collected information along with the rest of the assets of the Company to the new owner. For site management: Information from Web access and email logs is collected for "in aggregate" statistical purposes. This computer system uses software programs to create summary statistics, which are used for such purposes as assessing the number of visitors to the different sections of sites, what information is of most and least interest, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance or problem areas. For site and Server Security: To ensure that this service remains available to all users, this computer system employs software programs to monitor network traffic, to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, and to prevent denial of service attacks or other attacks intended to cause damage. Unauthorized modification of any information stored on this system may result in criminal prosecution. Certain accredited and/or approved outside parties have been granted limited FTP access to areas of the Web servers that host our Web site for the purpose of updating other Web sites hosted on the same servers. That limited access allows for upload and modification of Web files to those accounts only (HTML pages, images and documents), but does not allow access to directories where executable files are stored. The ability to install and run executable files (anything that could crash the server or compromise its operation or security) is reserved exclusively for the developers of our Web site (Stone Veneer Flexible Company employees). Links This Web site may contain links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of these other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of every linked Web site as their privacy policies may differ from ours. This privacy statement applies solely to the Stone Veneer Flexible Web site. Notification of Changes We reserve the right to revise this privacy policy, and if that happens, we will post those changes on this Web site so our visitors and customers are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, please contact us (see Contact Us below). Contact Us Questions about our Privacy and Security policies may be directed to: Stone Veneer Flexible Company Registered & Head Office: CG-1 Silver Spring, Off N.H.-8, Navratan Complex Udaipur - 313001, Rajasthan INDIA Call / WhatsApp: +91-9829446944 Phone: +91-294-2980288 / 2421472 Fax: +91-294-5102073 Email: /
- Veneer from Manufacturer and Supplier of Metallic Flexible Stone India
Metallic Suitable uses for decorating your Kitchens and backsplashes, living, ceilings, home, office & home interior, corporate walls, cabinet doors & furniture, table tops & reception desks, walls & ceilings, ships, air craft, vehicles & yacht interior, trade show exhibits, rounded surfaces etc. it can be applied on curved surfaces like columns, pillars, etc. To elaborate more, you can decorate your accent walls, decorative entryways, grand corridors and lounges, in commercial spaces like evening party decors, hotels, resorts, movie halls, retail outlets, shopping complexes, malls, entertainment centres, pubs, restaurants and more. Please note, metallic stone veneer sheets are not suitable for exterior & wet areas. We are leading manufacturer, supplier and exporter of flexible stone veneer products in India. Front surface A metallic finish made from crushed metal pigment and resin. Metal veneer has a textured finish with a reflective shine over it. Backing of thin metallic stone veneer: This 2mm metallic veneer has a backing of GRP (glass fiber reinforced polyester resin) + fleece (surface mat), suitable mainly for interior applications. Thickness of metallic veneer sheet 1.5-2.5 mm (1/16" - 3/32") Weight of metal veneers 1.5 kilogram (122 x 61 cm / sheet) 6 kilogram (244 x 122 cm / sheet ) Metallic veneer sheet price please send us an email for natural thin stone veneer price, we are the best stone veneer manufacturer & supplier sells at wholesale prices in India. Metallic veneer life This slim stone veneer sheet can normally be lasts for life, but practically and to be honest we assure you a 7 years of perfect life span. We are leading manufacturer and exporter of decorative metallic stone veneer sheets from India. Metal veneer panels samples Flexible stone veneer sheet samples are available in 30 x 20 cm (A4 size). We are India’s fastest-growing flexible stone veneer manufacturer, supplier & exporter. Transport benefits of natural real stone veneer sheets 300 sheets i.e. 223.26 sqm / Crate Suitable substrates for natural real stone veneer sheets Tiling, wood, metal, cement, plaster, glass etc. Packaging of paper thin real stone veneer sheets First in corrugated box and then in wooden crate Eco friendly Yes, the flexible natural stone made from blocks of real natural stone (aka stone skin), it increases the surface coverage by being a thin veneer Best waterproofing / sealants Akemi Company's "Nano Repellant" & sealer from Fila Industria Chimica Spa, Italy is also best We supply metallic veneer sheets in following demanding sizes: We can deliver custom-made sizes also MOQ: 4'x2' = 100 sheets at least (800 sq. ft. to cover) MOQ: 8'x4' = 100 sheets at least (3200 sq. ft. to cover) Explore Other Product Categories Best Adhesives / Glues (a) Kerakoll’s Company’s Super Flex Eco (b) Kerakoll’s Company’s Epoxy Eco (c) MYK Laticrete company's Latapoxy-270 Cutting with Hard-metal tipped circular saw, skill saw (diamond blade, stone saw), always cut from the rear side. Drilling and routing Yes, possible, you can use tools for wood or stone industry only. Metallic veneer flexibility Can be increased by applying heat (using heat-gun around 400°C) Storage Store the metallic stone veneer panels in a dry, clean place away from direct sunlight, flat or rolled up, never store outdoors. Main benefits of metallic veneer Natural thin stone veneer pieces weigh less and due to this lightweight pieces helps in reducing production, shipping and construction costs. Besides its highly flexible, durable, various patterns, scratch free, easy to clean. We are no.1 manufacturing company of flexible stone veneers in India. Silver Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm silver metallic flexible stone veneer sheets Golden Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm golden metallic flexible stone veneer sheets Copper Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm copper metallic flexible stone veneer sheets Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels Macbook Cover Stoneveneerflexible is the largest manufacturer and supplier of metallic flexible stone veneer from India to the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Slovakia, Mexico, Argentina, Thailand etc. Filter using Product Tags Made in India Stone Veneer Paper Thin Stone Veneers Flexi Beton Flexible Natural Stone Veneer Sheets Low Price Flexible Stone Veneer Manufacturer Polyester Stone Veneer Slate veneer Translucent Slate Veneer Concrete Laminates Free Sample Flexible Stone Veneer
- Factory | Stone Veneer Flexible
Niemand kennt dünnen flexiblen Stein besser als die Profis at Rajasthan Slate & Stone Exports Inc. Wir besitzen eine hochmoderne Infrastrukturbasis und Produktionseinheit. Wir sind ein etablierter Hersteller, Lieferant und Exporteur von flexiblen Steinfurnieren in Indien. Unser Produktangebot umfasst ein komplettes Sortiment an leichten, dünnen, flexiblen Steinfurnierprodukten für Anwendungen wie Außenfassaden von Wohn- und Geschäftsgebäuden, Wohnbereiche im Freien, Schilder, Innenwände, Decken, Fußböden, Beleuchtung, Oberlichter, Türen, Möbel, Boote, Küchen, Badezimmer, Fenster, Schriftarten, Schilder, Dekoration von Aufzügen und andere unzählige industrielle Anwendungen oder andere architektonische Merkmale wie Kamineinfassungen und Barbereiche bis hin zu Küchen und ganzen Wohnräumen. Filter using Product Tags Wall Panel Veneer Stacked Stone Thin Veneer Ultra Thin Stone Veneer Manufacturers India Thin Ledgestone Veneer Wall Stone Panel Slate Lite Thin Natural Stone Veneer Best Flexible Stone Veneer Supplier in India India Thin Stone Veneer
- Manufacturer and Supplier of Terrazzo Flexible Stone Veneer from India
Terrazzo Suitable uses For decorating your kitchens and backsplashes, living, ceilings, home, office & home interior, corporate walls, cabinet doors & furniture, table tops & reception desks, walls & ceilings, ships, air craft, vehicles & yacht interior, elevator walls, trade show exhibits, rounded surfaces etc. it can be applied on curved surfaces like columns, pillars, etc. To elaborate more, you can give rustic look to your bathrooms, kitchens, staircases, internally and externally, accent walls, decorative entryways, grand corridors and lounges, in commercial spaces like evening party decors, hotels, resorts, movie halls, retail outlets, shopping complexes, malls, entertainment centres, pubs, restaurants and more. What is terrazzo flexible veneer sheets: A composite material with dark black / white / sky blue base that consists of marble chips, quartz chips, granite chips, glass chips & chips of other suitable materials poured with either cementitious binder for chemical binding or polymeric binder for physical binding or in combination of both to precast for wall surface. Thin terrazzo sheets give the same look and feel of real terrazzo stone tiles. Thickness of flexible light weight terrazzo sheet 1.5-2.5 mm (1/16" - 3/32") Weight of terrazzo veneer 1.5 kilogram (122 x 61 cm / sheet) 6 kilogram (244 x 122 cm / sheet ) Flexible terrazzo veneer price please send us an email for terrazzo veneer price, we are manufacturers of flexible terrazzo veneer stone laminates and veneers from India sells at wholesale prices. Terrazzo flexible veneer life Terrazzo flexible veneer sheet can normally be lasts for life, but practically and to be honest we assure you a 7 years of perfect life span. We are leading manufacturer and exporter of highest quality thin natural stone veneer sheets from India. Terrazzo flexible veneer samples Terrazzo flexible veneer sheet samples are available in 30 x 20 cm (A4 size). We are fastest-growing stone veneer manufacturers in India. Transport benefits of terrazzo flexible veneer sheets 300 sheets i.e. 223.26 sqm / Crate Suitable substrates for terrazzo flexible veneer sheets Wood, metal, acrylic, glass, ceramic, plaster, cement board, gypsum board and other flat surface. Packaging of terrazzo flexible veneer sheets First in corrugated box and then in wooden crate Best waterproofing / sealants Akemi Company's "Nano Repellant" & sealer from Fila Industria Chimica Spa, Italy is also best Best Adhesives / Glues (a) Kerakoll’s Company’s Super Flex Eco (b) Kerakoll’s Company’s Epoxy Eco (c) MYK Laticrete company's Latapoxy-270 We supply terrazzo veneer sheets in following demanding sizes: We can deliver custom-made sizes also MOQ: 4'x2' = 100 sheets at least (800 sq. ft. to cover) MOQ: 8'x4' = 100 sheets at least (3200 sq. ft. to cover) Cutting with Hard-metal tipped circular saw, skill saw (diamond blade, stone saw), always cut from the rear side. Drilling and routing Yes, possible, you can use tools for wood or stone industry only. Terrazzo veneer flexibility Can be increased by applying heat (using heat-gun around 400°C) Storage Store the terrazzo flexible veneer sheets in a dry, clean place away from direct sunlight, flat or rolled up, never store outdoors. Main benefits of terrazzo flexible veneer Terrazzo flexible stone veneer pieces weigh less and due to this lightweight pieces helps in reducing production, shipping and construction costs. Besides its highly flexible, durable, various patterns, scratch free, easy to clean. We are no.1 manufacturing company of flexible stone veneers in India. Yellow Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm yellow terrazzo flexible stone veneer sheets White Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm white terrazzo flexible stone veneer sheets Black Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm black terrazzo flexible stone veneer sheets Explore Other Product Categories Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels Macbook Cover Stoneveneerflexible is the largest manufacturer and supplier of terrazzo flexible stone veneer from India to the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Slovakia, Mexico, Argentina, Thailand etc. Filter using Product Tags Indianautumnveneer Copperstoneveneer Stonelaminates Oxiveneer Translucent Flexible Stone Manufacturer Flexi Beton in India Slate Lite Ultra Thin Concrete Veneer Flexible Stone Veneer Producer in India
- Buy MacBook Stone Cover | Stone Veneer Flexible
MacBook-Abdeckung Wir haben MacBook-Steinhüllen und -Skins bei uns, die zu 100 % aus echtem Naturschiefer handgefertigt sind. Sie können Ihrem MacBook, iPhone, kabellosen Ladegerät einen einzigartigen Naturstein-Look verleihen und Ihrem Gerät zusätzliche Sicherheit verleihen. Suitable uses Geeignete Verwendungsmöglichkeiten Wir sind Anbieter von Real Stone MacBook-Hüllen für MacBook Pro und MacBook Air wie Apple MacBook Air 15,3" Skins, MacBook Air 13" Skins und Hüllen für iPhone 15 Pro Max, 15 Pro, 15 Plus, 15, 14 Pro Max, 14 Pro, 14 Plus, 14, SE 2022, 13 Pro Max, 13 Pro, 13, 13 Mini, 12 Pro Max, 12 Pro, 12, 12 Mini, 11 Pro Max, 11 Pro, 11, SE 2020, XR, XS, XS Max , X, 8 Plus, 8, 7 Plus, 7, 6/6S, 6/6S Plus, 5/5S/SE. Bei den Hüllen handelt es sich um Echtsteinhüllen. Unsere Natursteingehäuse bestehen zu 100 % aus natürlichem Schieferstein und natürlichem Quarzitstein, der nur in Indien vorkommt. Die Gehäuse sind aus echtem Schieferstein gefertigt. Der Herstellungsprozess dieser Schönheiten ist einfach und effizient – natürlicher geht es nicht! Jedes Stück Schiefer ist fein gespalten, um eine ultradünne, leichte Schicht mit einer verführerischen Textur zu bilden. Einzelheiten: Die Abdeckung besteht aus echtem Marmor/Schiefer/Quarzit/Sandstein/Kalkstein/Granit (100 % echte Steine) mit einer Rückseite aus 3M-Klebefolie für eine langfristige Nutzung. Es ist federleicht, flexibel wie eine Kreditkarte und einzigartig in seiner Schönheit. Merkmale: Ultradünner Steinschutz, nur 0,8 mm stark Der handgefertigte Bezug ist weniger als 1 mm dünn und wiegt 40-50 g. (1,50 bis 2 Unzen) Innovativer 3M-Kleber auf der Rückseite für lange Nutzungsdauer Einfaches Auftragen und Entfernen ohne Rückstände Verfügbar für alle MacBook Air- und Pro-Modelle (12, 13, 15) Verfügbar für alle iPhone-Modelle (15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro und 15 Pro Max und 14, 14 Plus, iPhone 13 usw.) Handgefertigt aus echtem Stein Die Beschichtung macht den Stein flexibel und unzerbrechlich Biegbar wie eine Kreditkarte: Unsere innovative Beschichtung stärkt die Oberfläche und verleiht ihr eine ultimative Haltbarkeit. Alle MacBook-Slate-Hüllen sind biegsam und nahezu unzerbrechlich. 3M-Kleber: Unser MacBook Stone Cover / iPhone Stone Cover lässt sich mit Hilfe einer zertifizierten 3M-Klebefolie ganz einfach auf der Geräteoberfläche befestigen. Gibt es Rückstände, wenn ich die Steinabdeckung entferne? NEIN! Da wir hochwertigen 3M-Kleber verwenden, lässt sich die Steinabdeckung problemlos und rückstandslos entfernen. Bei der Anwendung garantieren wir eine perfekte Klebekraft. Nach dem Entfernen der Abdeckung kann diese nicht wiederverwendet werden. Kann die Steinabdeckung des MacBook/iPhone kaputt gehen? NEIN! Die Steinhüllen sind biegsam und nahezu unzerbrechlich. Im oberen Teil der hauchdünnen Steinplatten haben wir eine innovative Schutzschicht integriert, die für perfekte Flexibilität und Widerstandsfähigkeit sorgt. Die Schiefersteinhaut ist so flexibel wie eine Kreditkarte und lässt sich effektiv aufrollen. Wo verkaufen Sie Ihre Steinhüllen für MacBook und iPhones? Wir haben Kunden in mehr als 30 verschiedenen Ländern auf der ganzen Welt. Wir haben Steinprodukte und -dienstleistungen in ganz Europa, den USA, Kanada, Russland, den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, Hongkong, Singapur, Südkorea, Taiwan, den Philippinen, Australien, Neuseeland, Mauritius, Israel, Taiwan, Thailand, der Türkei, Polen usw. geliefert . Unsere Kunden sind mit unseren Produkten rundum zufrieden und durch unseren Kundenservice reagieren wir stets zeitnah auf jede Anfrage und Anfrage. Kundenzufriedenheit steht bei uns an erster Stelle. So bewerben Sie sich: Steinabdeckungen lassen sich sehr einfach anbringen. Reinigen Sie zunächst die MacBook-/iPhone-Oberfläche mit einem sauberen Tuch, ziehen Sie die Schutzfolie von der Rückseite ab. Passen Sie die Hülle mithilfe der Kanten oder des Apple-Logos an, kleben Sie zuerst zwei Kanten fest, drücken Sie dann die gesamte Hülle flach und entfernen Sie die Luft – fertig! PREISVORTEIL: WIR SIND HERSTELLER VON MACBOOK STONE COVER / IPHONE STONE COVER: Wir sind Hersteller und Exporteur von Steinabdeckungen für Ihre Apple-Gadgets, deshalb sind unsere Preise so niedrig. Große Marken erheben für ihre Produkte das Drei- bis Fünffache des tatsächlichen Preises. Um unsere Preise erschwinglich zu machen, verkaufen wir direkt aus unserer Produktion an Sie. Golden Amethyst Aurora Multi Autumn Gold Autumn Rustic Autumn Mist Chicago Summer Black Rustic Black Shimmer Brooklyn Grey Burning Forest California Gold Copper Multi D Copper D Green Deep Sea Grey Beauty Forest Fire Indian Autumn Multi Pink Multicolor Peacock Muskeg Noir Ocean Black Ocean Green Premium Black Explore Other Product Categories Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels Macbook Cover Stoneveneerflexible is the largest manufacturer and supplier of MacBook stone cover from India to the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Slovakia, Mexico, Argentina, Thailand etc.
- Manufacturer and Supplier of Limestone Flexible Stone Veneer from India
Limestone Explore Other Product Categories Suitable uses Kitchens and backsplashes, living, bathroom and shower walls, fireplace, ceilings, office & home interior, corporate walls, outdoors, cabinet doors & furniture, table tops & reception desks, walls & ceilings, ships, air craft, vehicles & yacht interior, trade show exhibits, building facades / fence / home-base, wet spaces, swimming pools, rounded surfaces etc. it can be applied on curved surfaces like columns, pillars, etc. Front surface Real limestone (100% natural limestone), chemically extracted from a limestone blocks. Backing: This 2mm stone veneer has a backing of GRP (glass fiber reinforced polyester resin) + fleece (surface mat), suitable for both exterior and interior applications & stable in water & moisture also. Thickness of limestone veneer sheet 1.5-2 mm Weight of limestone veneer sheet 1.5 kilogram (122 x 61 cm / sheet) 6 kilogram (244 x 122 cm / sheet ) Limestone veneer sheet Price please send us an email for price of veneer sheets Limestone veneer life This slim stone veneer sheet can normally be lasts for life, but practically and to be honest we assure you a 7 years of perfect life span. Samples Are available in 30 x 20 cm (A4 size) Transport benefit 300 sheets i.e. 223.26 sqm. / crate Suitable substrates Tiling, wood, metal, cement, plaster, glass etc. Packaging First in corrugated box and then in wooden crate Eco friendly Yes, the product is made from blocks of real natural limestone, it increases the surface coverage by being a thin veneer Best waterproofing / sealants Akemi Company's "Nano Repellant" & sealer from Fila Industria Chimica Spa, Italy is also best Best Adhesives / Glues (a) Kerakoll’s Company’s Super Flex Eco (b) Kerakoll’s Company’s Epoxy Eco (c) MYK Laticrete company's Latapoxy-270 Cutting with Hard-metal tipped circular saw, skill saw (diamond blade, stone saw), always cut from the rear side. We supply limestone veneer sheets in following demanding sizes: We can deliver custom-made sizes also MOQ: 4'x2' = 100 sheets at least (800 sq. ft. to cover) MOQ: 8'x4' = 100 sheets at least (3200 sq. ft. to cover) Tender White Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm tender white limestone flexible stone veneer sheets Stone Mason Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm stone mason limestone flexible stone veneer sheets Pink Velvet Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm pink velvet limestone flexible stone veneer sheets March Ice Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm march ice limestone flexible stone veneer sheets Ice pearl Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm ice pearl limestone flexible stone veneer sheets Drilling and routing Yes, possible, you can use tools for wood or stone industry only. Limestone veneer flexibility Can be increased by applying heat (using heat-gun around 400°C) Storage Store the limestone veneer panels in a dry, clean place away from direct sunlight, flat or rolled up, never store outdoors. Main benefits of limestone veneer Highly flexible, weather proof, durable, various patterns, scratch free, easy to clean. We are no.1 flexible limestone veneer supplier in India. Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels Macbook Cover Stoneveneerflexible is the largest manufacturer and supplier of limestone flexible stone veneer from India to the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Slovakia, Mexico, Argentina, Thailand etc. Filter using Product Tags Flexible Natural Stone Veneer Pierre Naturelle Piedra Natural Flexible Fornir Kamienny Pedra Flex Flexistone Stonevener Stone Veneer Wall Decoration
- About Veneers | Stone Veneer Flexible
Unsere Steinfurniere Unsere dünnen flexiblen Platten sind reines Naturstein-Furniermaterial oder echte Steinfliesen, Es ist absolut ein neues und innovatives Material für viele Architekten, Designer, Küchenschränke und Möbelhersteller. Rajasthan Slate & Stone Exports Inc. bietet dünnes, flexibles Steinfurnier von höchster Qualität, auch bekannt als ultradünne Furnierfliesen und fertigt nach den höchsten Standards der Branche. Unser Material fühlt sich weich an und kann so geformt werden, dass es in fast jede Form passt. Unsere dünnen Schiefersteinfurniere sind nicht nur superfest, sondern passen auch gut zu fast jeder Art von architektonischem Design. Schönheit & Haltbarkeit Unsere dünnen, flexiblen Steinfurniere bieten die Schönheit und Haltbarkeit von echtem Stein ohne Installationsprobleme und schwere Steine in voller Größe. Mit einer Dicke von nur 1 mm bis 2 mm sind unsere Natursteinfurnierplatten leicht und für die meisten Innen- und Außenwände geeignet. Unsere dünnen Steinfurniere aus echtem Stein sind eine nachhaltige, umweltfreundliche Alternative. Dieses Produkt ist eine überlegene Antwort auf Kunststein. Mutter Natur Diese dünnen Steinfurniere ermöglichen es Installateuren, eine große Oberfläche in kurzer Zeit mit wenig Abfall zu verkleiden. Dünne flexible Steinfurnierblätter bieten eine zeitlose, reiche, robuste Schönheit und Wärme, die kein anderes Innen- oder Außenprodukt bieten kann. Da die Platten aus Naturstein bestehen, erhalten Sie einzigartige Formen, Texturen, Größen und Farbqualitäten, die nur Mutter Natur schaffen kann. Schönheit der Einzigartigkeit Jede dünne flexible Steinfurnierplatte ist anders, da jedes Stück aus einer einzigartigen Schicht aus echtem Stein besteht. Strukturvariationen mit Farbunterschieden sind ein fester Bestandteil der natürlichen Schönheit von Steinbruchmaterial. Es wird empfohlen, das Material in Losen von 20, 40, 50 Blatt zu akzeptieren, damit es passt. Großaufträge werden in 50er-Bündeln mit 2-3 passenden Losen in jedem Bündel ausgeführt. Ausnahmen von großen Losen sind ebenfalls möglich. Wasserdicht Unser Produkt ist ein Natursteinfurnier, das mit einer glatten schwarzen Rückseite laminiert ist. Es wird mit einem Vliesrücken in schwarzer Farbe hergestellt, der in der Mitte eine Naht hat, die sichtbar wird, wenn das Licht hindurchgeht. Dünnes, flexibles Steinfurnier ist nach der Installation auch wasserdicht und bildet effektiv eine starke Feuchtigkeitsbarriere. Deutsche Technik 100 % Natursteinoberfläche Super dünn <=2mm Superleicht 1,5 kg/m2 Superflexibel Durchscheinend Schnelle Installation Ordentlich Arbeit Wasserabweisend UV Beständig Schlagfest Endlose Anwendungen Umweltfreundlich Frei von Formaldehyd Leicht zu tragen Niedrigste Logistikkosten Dauerwert Unsere Thin Stone Furniere können für viele Anwendungen angepasst werden. Das Produkt kann für Innenwände, Kamine, Außenwände verwendet werden und kann sogar mit sehr geringen Änderungen zu bestehenden Ziegel- oder Betonstrukturen hinzugefügt werden. Dünne Steinfurniere aus Naturstein verleihen Ihrem Zuhause einen bleibenden Wert. Filter using Product Tags Largest Producer 2 mm Stone Veneer Flexible Stone Panels Manufacturers Flexible Stone Sheets Suppliers Flexible Stacked Stone Veneer Flexible Marble Veneer Sheets Flexible Slate Stone Veneer Stone Veneer for Furniture Veneer Stone
- Manufacturer and Supplier of Oxido Flexible Stone Veneer from India
Oxido Suitable uses For decorating your kitchens and backsplashes, living, ceilings, home, office & home interior, corporate walls, cabinet doors & furniture, table tops & reception desks, walls & ceilings, ships, air craft, vehicles & yacht interior, trade show exhibits, rounded surfaces etc. it can be applied on curved surfaces like columns, pillars, etc. To elaborate more, you can give rustic look to your bathrooms, kitchens, staircases, internally and externally, accent walls, decorative entryways, grand corridors and lounges, in commercial spaces like evening party decors, hotels, resorts, movie halls, retail outlets, shopping complexes, malls, entertainment centres, pubs, restaurants and more. You can give an impression of 100 years old look in few minutes to your decor. Front surface of oxido stone veneer sheets: Real concrete with an oxidized rustic iron finish. After installation the sheets give look and feel of genuine concrete oxidised walls. We can give design and texture as per your requirements Backing of thin oxido stone veneer: This 2mm rust look oxido flexible sheets has a backing of GRP (glass fiber reinforced polyester resin) + fleece (surface mat) Thickness of flexible natural rust veneer 1.5-2.5 mm (1/16" - 3/32") Weight of oxido veneer 1.5 kilogram (122 x 61 cm / sheet) 6 kilogram (244 x 122 cm / sheet ) Oxido stone veneer life Oxido rust veneer sheet can normally be lasts for life, but practically and to be honest we assure you a 7 years of perfect life span. We are leading manufacturer and exporter of decorative rustic veneer sheets from India. Oxido stone veneer samples Flexible stone veneer sheet samples are available in 30 x 20 cm (A4 size). We are fastest-growing stone veneer manufacturers in India. Transport benefits of real oxidized stone veneer sheets 300 sheets i.e. 223.26 sqm / Crate Suitable substrates for oxi slate veneer sheets Tiling, wood, metal, cement, plaster, glass etc. Packaging of rustic veneer sheets First in corrugated box and then in wooden crate Best waterproofing / sealants Akemi Company's "Nano Repellant" & sealer from Fila Industria Chimica Spa, Italy is also best Best Adhesives / Glues (a) Kerakoll’s Company’s Super Flex Eco (b) Kerakoll’s Company’s Epoxy Eco (c) MYK Laticrete company's Latapoxy-270 We supply oxido veneer sheets in following demanding sizes: We can deliver custom-made sizes also MOQ: 4'x2' = 100 sheets at least (800 sq. ft. to cover) MOQ: 8'x4' = 100 sheets at least (3200 sq. ft. to cover) Worn Rust Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm worn rust oxido flexible stone veneer sheets Urbane Rust Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm urbane rust oxido flexible stone veneer sheets Waffle Rust Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm waffle rust oxido flexible stone veneer sheets Arcane Rust Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm arcane rust oxido flexible stone veneer sheets Explore Other Product Categories Cutting with Hard-metal tipped circular saw, skill saw (diamond blade, stone saw), always cut from the rear side. Drilling and routing Yes, possible, you can use tools for wood or stone industry only. Oxido rust veneer flexibility Can be increased by applying heat (using heat-gun around 400°C) Storage Store the oxido sheets in a dry, clean place away from direct sunlight, flat or rolled up, never store outdoors. Main benefits of oxido rust veneer Real oxidized stone veneer pieces weigh less and due to this lightweight pieces helps in reducing production, shipping and construction costs. Besides its highly flexible, durable, various patterns, scratch free, easy to clean. We are no.1 manufacturing company of flexible stone veneers in India. Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels Macbook Cover Stoneveneerflexible is the largest manufacturer and supplier of oxido flexible stone veneer from India to the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Slovakia, Mexico, Argentina, Thailand etc. Filter using Product Tags Building Facades Flexi Stone Pierre Naturelle Decorative Pierre Naturelle Flexible Exterior Flexible Stone Tile Manufacturer Rustic Veneer Flexible Real Stone Veneer Wall Coverings Buy Peel and Stick Stone Flexible Stone Veneer Suppliers
- Agents | StoneVeneerFlexible
Werden Sie unser Handelsvertreter Treten Sie einem Weltklasse-Team bei Derzeitige Möglichkeiten In diesem Moment suchen wir weltweit erfahrene Handelsvertreter, die sich uns als „unabhängige Handelsvertreter“ anschließen können. Unsere Vertreter müssen selbstständige Fachleute sein, die unabhängig arbeiten und unsere dünnen, flexiblen Steinfurniere von einem der führenden indischen Hersteller von dünnen Steinen an unsere Zielkunden verkaufen, wie: Unternehmen für Möbel und Innenarchitektur Hersteller von Beleuchtungsgeräten Automobil- und Schiffbauunternehmen Hersteller von Möbeln (Küchen, Badezimmer, Fenster). Messeauftritte machende Unternehmen Unternehmen zur Herstellung von Geschenken, Fotorahmen, Schildern, Gürteln und kleinen Accessoires Heimarbeit Alle unsere Agenten können gemäß ihrer Agenda remote und unabhängig arbeiten. Sie können aus dem Home Office arbeiten und Vertriebsaktivitäten vor Ort, in ihrer Wohnregion oder weltweit durchführen. Warum diese Gelegenheit für Sie ist Hier können Sie sich über die vielen Vorteile informieren, die die angebotene Stelle zu einer wirklich profitablen und bequemen Gelegenheit machen, egal ob Sie arbeitslos, im Ruhestand oder berufstätig sind. Sie können Vollzeit, Teilzeit oder mit Unterbrechungen arbeiten Keine Aktivitätsberichte erforderlich; keine Verkaufsziele. Ihr Verdienst bei uns erfolgt zu 100 % provisionsbasiert, sodass dem Erreichen Ihrer Verdienstziele nichts mehr im Wege steht. Diese Position ist völlig unabhängig. Das Beste bei uns ist, dass wir mehrere Provisionen aus einer Verkaufsleistung zahlen, dh „WENN“ die Verkäufe wieder vom selben Kunden kommen, dann wird Ihre Provision erneut bestätigt. Erstklassige Produkte – Sie wollen nichts verkaufen, hinter dem Sie nicht stehen können, und wir würden es auch nicht wollen, deshalb bieten wir zuverlässige und gut strukturierte Verkaufsförderungsmaterialien an. Ihre Vertriebsaktivitäten sind nicht auf bestimmte Standorte oder bestimmte Kunden beschränkt, Sie können an jedem Ort und an jeden Kunden herantreten. Reichlich verkaufsunterstützendes Material. Begleiten Sie uns