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  • Veneer from Manufacturer and Supplier of Metallic Flexible Stone India

    Metallic Suitable uses for decorating your Kitchens and backsplashes, living, ceilings, home, office & home interior, corporate walls, cabinet doors & furniture, table tops & reception desks, walls & ceilings, ships, air craft, vehicles & yacht interior, trade show exhibits, rounded surfaces etc. it can be applied on curved surfaces like columns, pillars, etc. To elaborate more, you can decorate your accent walls, decorative entryways, grand corridors and lounges, in commercial spaces like evening party decors, hotels, resorts, movie halls, retail outlets, shopping complexes, malls, entertainment centres, pubs, restaurants and more. Please note, metallic stone veneer sheets are not suitable for exterior & wet areas. We are leading manufacturer, supplier and exporter of flexible stone veneer products in India. Front surface A metallic finish made from crushed metal pigment and resin. Metal veneer has a textured finish with a reflective shine over it. Backing of thin metallic stone veneer: This 2mm metallic veneer has a backing of GRP (glass fiber reinforced polyester resin) + fleece (surface mat), suitable mainly for interior applications. Thickness of metallic veneer sheet 1.5-2.5 mm (1/16" - 3/32") Weight of metal veneers 1.5 kilogram (122 x 61 cm / sheet) 6 kilogram (244 x 122 cm / sheet ) Metallic veneer sheet price please send us an email for natural thin stone veneer price, we are the best stone veneer manufacturer & supplier sells at wholesale prices in India. Metallic veneer life This slim stone veneer sheet can normally be lasts for life, but practically and to be honest we assure you a 7 years of perfect life span. We are leading manufacturer and exporter of decorative metallic stone veneer sheets from India. Metal veneer panels samples Flexible stone veneer sheet samples are available in 30 x 20 cm (A4 size). We are India’s fastest-growing flexible stone veneer manufacturer, supplier & exporter. Transport benefits of natural real stone veneer sheets 300 sheets i.e. 223.26 sqm / Crate Suitable substrates for natural real stone veneer sheets Tiling, wood, metal, cement, plaster, glass etc. Packaging of paper thin real stone veneer sheets First in corrugated box and then in wooden crate Eco friendly Yes, the flexible natural stone made from blocks of real natural stone (aka stone skin), it increases the surface coverage by being a thin veneer Best waterproofing / sealants Akemi Company's "Nano Repellant" & sealer from Fila Industria Chimica Spa, Italy is also best We supply metallic veneer sheets in following demanding sizes: We can deliver custom-made sizes also MOQ: 4'x2' = 100 sheets at least (800 sq. ft. to cover) MOQ: 8'x4' = 100 sheets at least (3200 sq. ft. to cover) Explore Other Product Categories Best Adhesives / Glues (a) Kerakoll’s Company’s Super Flex Eco (b) Kerakoll’s Company’s Epoxy Eco (c) MYK Laticrete company's Latapoxy-270 Cutting with Hard-metal tipped circular saw, skill saw (diamond blade, stone saw), always cut from the rear side. Drilling and routing Yes, possible, you can use tools for wood or stone industry only. Metallic veneer flexibility Can be increased by applying heat (using heat-gun around 400°C) Storage Store the metallic stone veneer panels in a dry, clean place away from direct sunlight, flat or rolled up, never store outdoors. Main benefits of metallic veneer Natural thin stone veneer pieces weigh less and due to this lightweight pieces helps in reducing production, shipping and construction costs. Besides its highly flexible, durable, various patterns, scratch free, easy to clean. We are no.1 manufacturing company of flexible stone veneers in India. Silver Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm silver metallic flexible stone veneer sheets Golden Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm golden metallic flexible stone veneer sheets Copper Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm copper metallic flexible stone veneer sheets Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels Macbook Cover Stoneveneerflexible is the largest manufacturer and supplier of metallic flexible stone veneer from India to the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Slovakia, Mexico, Argentina, Thailand etc. Filter using Product Tags Made in India Stone Veneer Paper Thin Stone Veneers Flexi Beton Flexible Natural Stone Veneer Sheets Low Price Flexible Stone Veneer Manufacturer Polyester Stone Veneer Slate veneer Translucent Slate Veneer Concrete Laminates Free Sample Flexible Stone Veneer

  • Agents | StoneVeneerFlexible

    Conviértete en nuestro Agente de Ventas Únase a un equipo de clase mundial Oportunidades corrientes En este momento, estamos buscando agentes de ventas con experiencia en todo el mundo que puedan unirse a nosotros como "Agentes de ventas independientes" Nuestros agentes deben ser profesionales autodirigidos, que trabajen de forma independiente vendiendo nuestros revestimientos de piedra delgados y flexibles de uno de los principales fabricantes de piedra delgada de la India a nuestros clientes objetivo, como: Empresas de muebles y diseño de interiores Empresas de fabricación de equipos de iluminación. Empresas de construcción naval y automotriz Empresas de Fabricación de Ebanistería (Cocinas, Baños, Ventanas) Exhibiciones de ferias comerciales que hacen empresas Fabricación de regalos, marcos de fotos, señalización, cinturones y pequeños accesorios Empresas Trabajo remoto Todos nuestros agentes pueden trabajar de forma remota e independiente, según su agenda. Pueden trabajar desde una oficina en casa y realizar actividades de ventas a nivel local, en la región en la que viven o en todo el mundo. Por qué esta oportunidad es para ti Aquí puedes consultar las múltiples ventajas que hacen del puesto ofrecido una oportunidad realmente rentable y conveniente, ya seas desempleado, jubilado o trabajando. Puedes trabajar a tiempo completo, medio tiempo o intermitentemente No se requieren informes de actividad; sin objetivos de venta. Sus ganancias de nosotros estarán 100% basadas en comisiones, por lo que nada se interpondrá en el camino para alcanzar sus objetivos de ganancias. Esta posición es completamente independiente. Lo más ventajoso con nosotros es que pagamos múltiples comisiones de un esfuerzo de ventas, es decir, "SI" las ventas provienen nuevamente del mismo cliente, entonces su comisión se confirma nuevamente. Productos de primera línea: no desea vender algo que no puede respaldar, y nosotros no querríamos que lo hiciera, por eso ofrecemos materiales de promoción de ventas confiables y bien estructurados. Sus actividades de venta no estarán restringidas a ubicaciones específicas o clientes específicos, puede acercarse a cualquier ubicación ya cualquier cliente. Mucho material de apoyo a las ventas. Únete a nosotros

  • No.1 Flexible Stone Veneer Manufacturers, India

    Stone Veneer Range We are No.1 flexible stone veneer manufacturers, India. Flexible stone veneers are made from 100% natural stone quarried from across India and the world, please check below our high-quality product range, flexible stone veneer also known as piedra flexible, piedra flex, slate veneer, steinfurnier, stenfaner, stone sheets etc. all across the globe. Fiberglass backing veneer sheets and the translucent slate veneer sheets are our highest selling stone veneers. Perfectly suitable for feature walls, curved walls & ceilings, kitchen backsplashes and trims, interior design, stairs, furniture, doors and cabinets, wall panels, tops & bathrooms, shelves & console, curved facades etc. Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels Macbook Cover Filter using Product Tags Translucent Stone Veneer Buy Flexible Stone Veneer Cultured Stone Veneer Natural Stone Veneer Sheet Manufacturers in India How to Install Veneer Flexible Stone Veneer Adhesive Slate Stone Laminates Thin Veneer Stone from India

  • Manufacturer and Supplier of Fabric Flexible Stone Veneer from India

    Fabric Explore Other Product Categories Suitable uses: Walls, ceilings, interiors, furniture, cabinets, doors, kitchen, tables chairs and tops, retail interiors and display cabinets, booth construction, office cabinets, vehicle and yacht interiors, wall covering, feature wall, back splash, entrance lobbies, wainscoted walls, panelling, column wrapping, as a wall paper, for dresses, bags, accessories, shoes, door jambs, furniture, stationary etc. Due to its extreme flexibility, it has a wider range of applications as compared to other stone veneers. Surface finish: Front has a thin layer of slate, mica and at the back it is combined with cotton fabric mesh and poly vinyl acetate glue (D3/D4 type) to create a flexible panel. Also called Nano Stone Veneer. Covering benefit: EcoStone veneer sheets are 3D-formable and you can easily apply it over the complex shapes and difficult edge areas Take care: Fabric backed stone veneer sheets are not suitable for floors & exterior use Thickness of fabric stone veneer sheet: 0.5 mm - 0.7 mm Weight of fabric stone veneer sheet: 0.600 kilogram (122 x 61 cm / sheet) 3.20 kilogram (244 x 122 cm / sheet) Fabric stone veneer sheet price: please send us an email for price of veneer sheets Samples: Are available in 30 x 20 cm (A4 size) Transport benefit: We can transport 400 sheets i.e. 297.68 sqm. / crate Suitable substrates: Concrete blocks & slabs, mortar plastered walls, ceramic, wood, metal, plywood, fibreglass, tile dry wall, MDF, HDF boards, styro foam sheets, melamine, masonite, door skins and cabinetry, glass, acrylic or plastic sheets etc. Packaging: First in corrugated box and then in wooden crate Best Waterproofing / Sealents: Akemi Company's "Nano Repellant" & sealer from Fila Industria Chimica Spa, Italy is also best Best Adhesives / Glues: (a) Kerakoll’s Company’s Super Flex Eco (b) Kerakoll’s Company’s Epoxy Eco (c) MYK Laticrete company's Latapoxy-270 Cutting & stitching: You can easily cut stone fabric veneer sheets by carpet knife or sharp scissors from the rear side & even you can do the stitching also with a regular sewing machine. Flexibility: Fabric stone veneer sheets are 3D-formable with the help of heat. Its folding radius can be achieved 5 cm or less. Alongside…flexibility can be increased more by applying heat (using heat-gun around 400° C) Care while installation: We recommend wearing goggles and a mask. The sheets should be cut from the back for a clean finish. Main benefits: EcoStone is an extremely thin and super flexible veneer with a cotton cloth backing. It is highly flexible, durable, various patterns, scratch free, easy to clean We supply fabric stone veneer sheets in following demanding sizes: We can deliver custom-made sizes also MOQ: 4'x2' = 100 sheets at least (800 sq. ft. to cover) MOQ: 8'x4' = 100 sheets at least (3200 sq. ft. to cover) D Green Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm d green fabric flexible stone veneer sheets Silver Grey Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm silver grey fabric flexible stone veneer sheets Indian Autumn Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm indian autumn fabric flexible stone veneer sheets Multicolor Peacock Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & multicolor peacock fabric flexible stone veneer sheets Ocean Green Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm ocean green fabric flexible stone veneer sheets Copper Red Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm copper red fabric flexible stone veneer sheets Terra Red Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm terra red fabric flexible stone veneer sheets D Copper Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm d copper fabric flexible stone veneer sheets Forest Fire Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm forest fire fabric flexible stone veneer sheets Autumn Mist Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm autumn mist fabric flexible stone veneer sheets S White Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm s white fabric flexible stone veneer sheets Silver Galaxy Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm silver galaxy fabric flexible stone veneer sheets Silver Shine Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm silver shine fabric flexible stone veneer sheets Premium Black Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm premium black fabric flexible stone veneer sheets California Gold Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm california gold fabric flexible stone veneer sheets Golden Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm golden fabric flexible stone veneer sheets Zeera Green Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm zeera green fabric flexible stone veneer sheets Black Shimmer Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm black shimmer fabric flexible stone veneer sheets Autumn Rustic Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm autumn rustic fabric flexible stone veneer sheets Multi Pink Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm multi pink fabric flexible stone veneer sheets Amethyst Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm amethyst fabric flexible stone veneer sheets Ocean Black Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm ocean black fabric flexible stone veneer sheets Flexibility: Fabric stone veneer sheets are 3D-formable with the help of heat. Its folding radius can be achieved 5 cm or less. Alongside…flexibility can be increased more by applying heat (using heat-gun around 400° C) Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels Macbook Cover Stoneveneerflexible is the largest manufacturer and supplier of fabric flexible stone veneer from India to the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Slovakia, Mexico, Argentina, Thailand etc. Filter using Product Tags Backlit Stone Veneer Fabric Backing Veneer Nano Stone Veneer Stoneveneerpanels Sandstone Flexible Exterior Wall Cladding Tiles Translucent Stone Veneer NR Grade Stone Veneer Decorative Night Lamps Manufacturerstoneveneer Exterior Flexible Stone Sheets

  • Buy MacBook Stone Cover | Stone Veneer Flexible

    Macbook Cover We have with us MacBook stone cover and skins, that’s 100% hand-crafted from real natural slate, you can give unique natural stone look to your MacBook, iPhone, wireless charger + extra safety to your gadget. Golden Amethyst Aurora Multi Autumn Gold Autumn Rustic Autumn Mist Chicago Summer Black Rustic Black Shimmer Brooklyn Grey Burning Forest California Gold Copper Multi D Copper D Green Deep Sea Grey Beauty Forest Fire Indian Autumn Multi Pink Multicolor Peacock Muskeg Noir Ocean Black Ocean Green Premium Black Suitable uses We are suppliers of Real Stone MacBook Cases for MacBook Pro & MacBook Air like Apple MacB ook Air 15.3" Skins, MacBook Air 13" Skins & cases for iPhone 15 Pro Max, 15 Pro, 15 Plus, 15, 14 Pro Max, 14 Pro, 14 Plus, 14, SE 2022, 13 Pro Max, 13 Pro, 13, 13 Mini, 12 Pro Max, 12 Pro, 12, 12 Mini, 11 Pro Max, 11 Pro, 11, SE 2020, XR, XS, XS Max, X, 8 Plus, 8, 7 Plus, 7, 6/6S, 6/6S Plus, 5/5S/SE. The covers are Real Stone Cases. Our natural stone cases are made from the 100% natural slate stone and natural quartzite stone that’s found in India only. The cases are crafted from real genuine slate stone. The production process for these beauties is simple and efficient - it doesn't get much more natural than that! Each piece of slate is finely split to form an ultra-thin, lightweight layer with an enticing texture. Details: The cover is made by real marble / slate / quartzite / sandstone / limestone / granite (100% real stones) with a backing of 3M adhesive film for long-time usage. It is as light as a feather, flexible like a credit card and unique in its beauty. Features: Ultra-thin stone protection, just 0.8 mm strong The handmade cover is less than 1 mm thin and weighs 40-50 g. (1.50 to 2 ounces) Innovative 3M adhesive at back for long-time usage Easy to apply & undo without any residues Available for all MacBook Air & Pro Models (12, 13, 15) Available for all iPhone Models (15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max and 14, 14 Plus, iPhone 13 etc.) Handmade from real stone Coating makes the stone flexible & unbreakable Bendable Like a Credit Card: Our innovative coating strengthens the surface and gives it an ultimate durability. All MacBook slate cover are bendable and almost unbreakable. 3M Adhesive: Our MacBook stone cover / iPhone stone cover can be easily attached to the device surface with the help of a certified 3M adhesive film. Will There Be any Residues When I Remove the stone cover? No! Because we use premium 3M adhesive the stone cover can be removed without any problems or residues. During usage we guarantee perfect adhesive strength. After removing the cover, it cannot be reused. Can the MacBook / iPhone stone cover break? No! the stone cases are bendable and almost unbreakable. We integrated an innovative protective layer on the upper part of the razor-thin stone sheets, that provides perfect flexibility and resistance. The slate stone skin is as flexible as a credit card and can effectively be rolled up. Where you are selling your stone covers for MacBook and iPhones? We have customers in more than 30 different countries around the world. We have delivered stone products and services all over Europe, USA, Canada, Russia, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Australia, New Zeeland, Mauritius, Israel, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Poland etc. Our customers are fully satisfied with our products and by our customer service, we always respond promptly to every request and inquiry. Customer satisfaction is our number one priority. How to Apply: Stone covers are very easy to apply. First clean the MacBook / iPhone surface with a clean cloth, peel the protective film off the back. Adjust the skin with the help of the edges or the apple logo, glue two edges first, then flatten the whole cover and remove the air & it’s done! PRICE ADVANTAGE: WE ARE PRODUCERS OF MACBOOK STONE COVER / IPHONE STONE CO VER: We are manufacturer exporter supplier of Stone Covers for your apple gadgets, that is why our prices are so low. Major brands mark-up their products 3 to 5 times the actual price. To make our prices affordable, we sell directly to you from our production. Explore Other Product Categories Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels

  • Factory | Stone Veneer Flexible

    Nadie conoce mejor la piedra delgada y flexible que los profesionales at Exportaciones de pizarra y piedra de Rajasthan Inc. Poseemos una base de infraestructura altamente avanzada y una unidad de fabricación. Somos un fabricante, proveedor y exportador bien establecido de Revestimientos de piedra flexibles en India. Nuestra oferta de productos incluye una línea completa de productos de revestimiento de piedra ligeros, delgados y flexibles para aplicaciones que incluyen exteriores de edificios residenciales y comerciales, áreas de estar al aire libre, letreros, paredes interiores, techos, pisos, iluminación, tragaluces, puertas, muebles, botes, cocinas, baños, ventanas, fuentes, letreros, decoración de ascensores y otras innumerables aplicaciones industriales u otras características arquitectónicas como marcos de chimeneas y áreas de bar para cocinas y espacios habitables completos. Filter using Product Tags Wall Panel Veneer Stacked Stone Thin Veneer Ultra Thin Stone Veneer Manufacturers India Thin Ledgestone Veneer Wall Stone Panel Slate Lite Thin Natural Stone Veneer Best Flexible Stone Veneer Supplier in India India Thin Stone Veneer

  • Manufacturer and Supplier of Terrazzo Flexible Stone Veneer from India

    Terrazzo Suitable uses For decorating your kitchens and backsplashes, living, ceilings, home, office & home interior, corporate walls, cabinet doors & furniture, table tops & reception desks, walls & ceilings, ships, air craft, vehicles & yacht interior, elevator walls, trade show exhibits, rounded surfaces etc. it can be applied on curved surfaces like columns, pillars, etc. To elaborate more, you can give rustic look to your bathrooms, kitchens, staircases, internally and externally, accent walls, decorative entryways, grand corridors and lounges, in commercial spaces like evening party decors, hotels, resorts, movie halls, retail outlets, shopping complexes, malls, entertainment centres, pubs, restaurants and more. What is terrazzo flexible veneer sheets: A composite material with dark black / white / sky blue base that consists of marble chips, quartz chips, granite chips, glass chips & chips of other suitable materials poured with either cementitious binder for chemical binding or polymeric binder for physical binding or in combination of both to precast for wall surface. Thin terrazzo sheets give the same look and feel of real terrazzo stone tiles. Thickness of flexible light weight terrazzo sheet 1.5-2.5 mm (1/16" - 3/32") Weight of terrazzo veneer 1.5 kilogram (122 x 61 cm / sheet) 6 kilogram (244 x 122 cm / sheet ) Flexible terrazzo veneer price please send us an email for terrazzo veneer price, we are manufacturers of flexible terrazzo veneer stone laminates and veneers from India sells at wholesale prices. Terrazzo flexible veneer life Terrazzo flexible veneer sheet can normally be lasts for life, but practically and to be honest we assure you a 7 years of perfect life span. We are leading manufacturer and exporter of highest quality thin natural stone veneer sheets from India. Terrazzo flexible veneer samples Terrazzo flexible veneer sheet samples are available in 30 x 20 cm (A4 size). We are fastest-growing stone veneer manufacturers in India. Transport benefits of terrazzo flexible veneer sheets 300 sheets i.e. 223.26 sqm / Crate Suitable substrates for terrazzo flexible veneer sheets Wood, metal, acrylic, glass, ceramic, plaster, cement board, gypsum board and other flat surface. Packaging of terrazzo flexible veneer sheets First in corrugated box and then in wooden crate Best waterproofing / sealants Akemi Company's "Nano Repellant" & sealer from Fila Industria Chimica Spa, Italy is also best Best Adhesives / Glues (a) Kerakoll’s Company’s Super Flex Eco (b) Kerakoll’s Company’s Epoxy Eco (c) MYK Laticrete company's Latapoxy-270 We supply terrazzo veneer sheets in following demanding sizes: We can deliver custom-made sizes also MOQ: 4'x2' = 100 sheets at least (800 sq. ft. to cover) MOQ: 8'x4' = 100 sheets at least (3200 sq. ft. to cover) Cutting with Hard-metal tipped circular saw, skill saw (diamond blade, stone saw), always cut from the rear side. Drilling and routing Yes, possible, you can use tools for wood or stone industry only. Terrazzo veneer flexibility Can be increased by applying heat (using heat-gun around 400°C) Storage Store the terrazzo flexible veneer sheets in a dry, clean place away from direct sunlight, flat or rolled up, never store outdoors. Main benefits of terrazzo flexible veneer Terrazzo flexible stone veneer pieces weigh less and due to this lightweight pieces helps in reducing production, shipping and construction costs. Besides its highly flexible, durable, various patterns, scratch free, easy to clean. We are no.1 manufacturing company of flexible stone veneers in India. Yellow Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm yellow terrazzo flexible stone veneer sheets White Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm white terrazzo flexible stone veneer sheets Black Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm black terrazzo flexible stone veneer sheets Explore Other Product Categories Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels Macbook Cover Stoneveneerflexible is the largest manufacturer and supplier of terrazzo flexible stone veneer from India to the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Slovakia, Mexico, Argentina, Thailand etc. Filter using Product Tags Indianautumnveneer Copperstoneveneer Stonelaminates Oxiveneer Translucent Flexible Stone Manufacturer Flexi Beton in India Slate Lite Ultra Thin Concrete Veneer Flexible Stone Veneer Producer in India

  • Buy MacBook Stone Cover | Stone Veneer Flexible

    Cubierta de Macbook Tenemos con nosotros fundas y fundas de piedra para MacBook, 100% hechas a mano con pizarra natural real, puede darle un aspecto de piedra natural único a su MacBook, iPhone, cargador inalámbrico y seguridad adicional para su dispositivo. Usos adecuados Somos proveedores de fundas Real Stone para MacBook Pro y MacBook Air, como fundas y fundas para MacBook Air de 15,3" de Apple, fundas y fundas para MacBook Air de 13" para iPhone 15 Pro Max, 15 Pro, 15 Plus, 15, 14 Pro Max, 14 Pro. 14 Plus, 14, SE 2022, 13 Pro Max, 13 Pro, 13, 13 Mini, 12 Pro Max, 12 Pro, 12, 12 Mini, 11 Pro Max, 11 Pro, 11, SE 2020, XR, XS, XS Max , X, 8 Plus, 8, 7 Plus, 7, 6/6S, 6/6S Plus, 5/5S/SE. Las portadas son Estuches de Piedra Real. Nuestras cajas de piedra natural están hechas de piedra de pizarra 100% natural y piedra de cuarcita natural que se encuentra únicamente en la India. Las cajas están elaboradas con auténtica piedra de pizarra. El proceso de producción de estas bellezas es simple y eficiente: ¡no hay nada más natural que eso! Cada pieza de pizarra está finamente dividida para formar una capa ultrafina y ligera con una textura atractiva. Detalles: La cubierta está hecha de mármol/pizarra/cuarcita/arenisca/piedra caliza/granito real (100% piedras reales) con un respaldo de película adhesiva 3M para un uso prolongado. Es tan ligero como una pluma, flexible como una tarjeta de crédito y único en su belleza. Características: Protección contra piedras ultrafina de solo 0,8 mm de grosor La funda hecha a mano tiene menos de 1 mm de grosor y pesa entre 40 y 50 g. (1,50 a 2 onzas) Innovador adhesivo 3M en la parte posterior para un uso prolongado Fácil de aplicar y deshacer sin dejar residuos. Disponible para todos los modelos MacBook Air y Pro (12, 13, 15) Disponible para todos los modelos de iPhone (15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro y 15 Pro Max y 14, 14 Plus, iPhone 13, etc.) Hecho a mano con piedra auténtica. El revestimiento hace que la piedra sea flexible e irrompible. Flexible como una tarjeta de crédito: Nuestro innovador revestimiento fortalece la superficie y le confiere la máxima durabilidad. Todas las fundas de pizarra para MacBook son flexibles y casi irrompibles. Adhesivo 3M: Nuestra funda para MacBook / iPhone se puede fijar fácilmente a la superficie del dispositivo con la ayuda de una película adhesiva certificada 3M. ¿Habrá residuos cuando retire la cubierta de piedra? ¡No! Debido a que utilizamos adhesivo 3M de primera calidad, la cubierta de piedra se puede quitar sin problemas ni residuos. Durante el uso garantizamos una perfecta fuerza adhesiva. Una vez retirada la funda, no se puede reutilizar. ¿Se puede romper la cubierta de piedra del MacBook/iPhone? ¡No! Las cajas de piedra son flexibles y casi irrompibles. Integramos una innovadora capa protectora en la parte superior de las finas láminas de piedra, que proporciona una perfecta flexibilidad y resistencia. La piel de piedra de pizarra es tan flexible como una tarjeta de crédito y se puede enrollar de forma eficaz. ¿Dónde vendes tus fundas de piedra para MacBook y iPhone? Tenemos clientes en más de 30 países diferentes alrededor del mundo. Hemos entregado productos y servicios de piedra en toda Europa, EE. UU., Canadá, Rusia, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Hong Kong, Singapur, Corea del Sur, Taiwán, Filipinas, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Mauricio, Israel, Taiwán, Tailandia, Turquía, Polonia, etc. . Nuestros clientes están completamente satisfechos con nuestros productos y con nuestro servicio de atención al cliente, siempre respondemos con prontitud a cada solicitud y consulta. La satisfacción del cliente es nuestra prioridad numero uno. Cómo aplicar: Los revestimientos de piedra son muy fáciles de aplicar. Primero limpie la superficie del MacBook/iPhone con un paño limpio y retire la película protectora de la parte posterior. Ajusta la piel con ayuda de los bordes o el logo de la manzana, pega primero dos bordes, luego aplana toda la funda y retira el aire ¡y listo! VENTAJA DE PRECIO: SOMOS PRODUCTORES DE FUNDA MACBOOK STONE / FUNDA IPHONE STONE: Somos fabricante exportador proveedor de Stone Cover para sus gadgets Apple, es por eso que nuestros precios son tan bajos. Las principales marcas aumentan sus productos entre 3 y 5 veces el precio real. Para que nuestros precios sean asequibles, le vendemos directamente desde nuestra producción. Golden Amethyst Aurora Multi Autumn Gold Autumn Rustic Autumn Mist Chicago Summer Black Rustic Black Shimmer Brooklyn Grey Burning Forest California Gold Copper Multi D Copper D Green Deep Sea Grey Beauty Forest Fire Indian Autumn Multi Pink Multicolor Peacock Muskeg Noir Ocean Black Ocean Green Premium Black Explore Other Product Categories Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels Macbook Cover Stoneveneerflexible is the largest manufacturer and supplier of MacBook stone cover from India to the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Slovakia, Mexico, Argentina, Thailand etc.

  • ALL PRODUCTS | StoneVeneerFlexible

    Our Products Get a Quote SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Fibre Glass Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Translucent Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Fabric Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Sandstone Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Marble Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Limestone Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Metallic Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Concrete Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Terrazo Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Oxido Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Macbook Cover Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. SOUTH GREY TERRA RED COPPER RED OCEAN GREEN AMETHYST AURORO MULTI AUTUMN RUSTIC BLACK SHIMMER MULTICOLOR PEACOCK INDIAN AUTUMN SILVER GREY Thin Panels Range Made of a real natural stone surface, with a fiberglass resin backing. This fiberglass resin backing makes the stone veneer thin, flexible and keeping the weight to a minimum. Filter using Product Tags Fibreglass Fibreglass Fibreglass Fibreglass Fibreglass Fibreglass Fibreglass Fibreglass

  • Best Quality Flexible Stone Veneer Sheets to Our Customers

    Here we are sharing the valuable customer reviews…what our customers are saying...for our quality, packaging, delivery time and customer services… We are always getting the positive reviews from our clients…because we put our 100% to be the best and strive to provide only the best quality flexible stone veneer sheets to our customers. This is our commitment to bring the value for your money, high quality flexible slate into your home & business enterprises. At Stoneveneerflexible you can count on it…it is our promise to you. Quality commitment: We assure you that…our stone veneer sheets are thoroughly inspected at each stage…. for stability, durability, and freeze-thaw to ensure that they are appropriate for residential as well as commercial installations. We always inspect our products throughout our manufacturing process. Please feel free to get in touch to discuss your ongoing requirements of flexible slate veneer sheets also known as slate veneer / piedra flexible / piedra flex / steinfurnier / stenfaner / fornir kamienny / okładziny kamienne / flexible ardesia panels / ultra thin stone / piatra flessible / flexstone / stone sheets / rockflex / skinrock / piedra natural ultrafine / lamina de piedra flexible / lámina de piedra natural flexible / piedrafina etc. Customer Service: Our customer service is second to none. Take a few minutes to read below the testimonials given by our esteemed clients for flexible stone veneer and services provided to them. Addolorata de Italia "Hola Satyender, Definitivamente transmitiré su reputación y trabajo a cualquiera que necesite sus servicios" Aygül de Turquía "Hola Satyender, Muchas gracias por su excelente entrega de láminas de chapa flexible de piedra delgada, les aseguro que recomendaré su empresa a otras personas que lo necesiten" Rodríguez de España "Hola Satyender, ¡Tus carillas flexi se ven muy bien! Gracias. hernandez de colombia "Hola Satyender, ¡A mi familia y a mí nos gustaron sus delgadas láminas de chapa de piedra y son simplemente hermosas! Muchas gracias por entregar a tiempo también, ¡realmente significa mucho!". González de Estados Unidos "Hola Satyender, Solo quería dar las gracias por un incendio forestal tan hermoso. Me gusta mucho, después de la instalación resultó maravilloso. Mejor de lo que pensé que podría" Williams de Australia "Hola Madaan, Gracias por su ayuda durante este tiempo. Estoy muy satisfecho con la forma en que entregó las hojas de chapa. Aquí se ve bien". Hamadi de Egipto "Hola Satyender, Las finas placas de piedra se ven maravillosas en la pared. Gracias por toda su ayuda para mí es exactamente lo que quería. Konstantinov de Rusia "Hola Gerente General, Mi familia y yo estamos muy satisfechos con la calidad de la piedra delgada y flexible que tiene en su fábrica. Mitchell de Reino Unido "Hola Gerente General, La piedra fina es muy bonita, se ve bien y agradezco la forma en que las empaquetas, estamos complacidos aquí. Gracias de nuevo. Delgado de México "Hola Satyender, Gracias por el excelente trabajo, las hojas de chapa son hermosas y atractivas. Filter using Product Tags Handcrafted Veneer Stone from India High Quality Thin Stone Veneer from India Stone Veneer Applications India Stone Veneer Suppliers India Stone Veneer Wholesalers India Stone Veneer Factory Manufacturers of Veneer Stone in India Top Quality India Made Stone Veneer

  • Manufacturer and Supplier of Granite Flexible Stone Veneer from India

    Granite Suitable uses Kitchens and backsplashes, living, bathroom and shower walls, fireplace, ceilings, office & home interior, corporate walls, outdoors, cabinet doors & furniture, table tops & reception desks, walls & ceilings, ships, air craft, vehicles & yacht interior, trade show exhibits, building facades / fence / home-base, wet spaces, swimming pools, rounded surfaces etc. it can be applied on curved surfaces like columns, pillars, etc. Front surface granite veneer sheets: Real granite (100% natural granite), chemically extracted from a granite blocks. Backing: This 2mm stone veneer has a backing of GRP (glass fiber reinforced polyester resin) + fleece (surface mat), suitable for both exterior and interior applications & stable in water & moisture also. Thickness of granite veneer sheet 1.5-2.5 mm (1/16" - 3/32") Weight of granite veneer sheet 1.5 kilogram (122 x 61 cm / sheet) 6 kilogram (244 x 122 cm / sheet ) Granite veneer sheet Price please send us an email for granite veneer price. We are manufacturers of flexible stone sheets from India sells at wholesale prices. Granite veneer life This slim stone veneer sheet can normally be lasts for life, but practically and to be honest we assure you a 7 years of perfect life span. We are leading manufacturer and exporter of decorative granite veneer sheets from India. Samples Are available in 30 x 20 cm (A4 size), we are no.1 manufacturing company of flexible stone veneers in India. Transport benefit 300 sheets i.e. 223.26 sqm / Crate Suitable substrates Tiling, wood, metal, cement, plaster, glass etc. Packaging First in corrugated box and then in wooden crates. Eco friendly Yes, the product is made from blocks of real natural granite stone, it increases the surface coverage by being a thin veneer. Best Waterproofing / Sealants Akemi Company's "Nano Repellant" & sealer from Fila Industria Chimica Spa, Italy is also best Best Adhesives / Glues (a) Kerakoll’s Company’s Super Flex Eco (b) Kerakoll’s Company’s Epoxy Eco (c) MYK Laticrete company's Latapoxy-270 We supply granite veneer sheets in following demanding sizes: We can deliver custom-made sizes also MOQ: 4'x2' = 100 sheets at least (800 sq. ft. to cover) MOQ: 8'x4' = 100 sheets at least (3200 sq. ft. to cover) Explore Other Product Categories Cutting with Hard-metal tipped circular saw, skill saw (diamond blade, stone saw), always cut from the rear side. Drilling and routing Yes, possible, you can use tools for wood or stone industry only. Granite veneer flexibility Can be increased by applying heat (using heat-gun around 400°C) Storage Store the granite veneer panels in a dry, clean place away from direct sunlight, flat or rolled up, never store outdoors. Main benefits of granite veneer Highly flexible, weather proof, durable, various patterns, scratch free, easy to clean. We are no.1 flexible granite veneer supplier in India. Fantasy White Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm fantasy white granite flexible stone veneer sheets Corsair Black Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm corsair black granite flexible stone veneer sheets Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels Macbook Cover Stoneveneerflexible is the largest manufacturer and supplier of granite flexible stone veneer from India to the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Slovakia, Mexico, Argentina, Thailand etc. Filter using Product Tags Flexible Stone Veneer Exporter Flexible Stone Veneer Supplier Rusticslate Thin Stone Veneer Supplier Granite Flexible Veneer Manufacturer Thin Stone Veneer Manufacturer Oxislate Blancoflexiblestoneveneer Zeeragreenslateveneer Marble Flexible Veneer Manufacturer

  • Manufacturer and Supplier of Concrete Flexible Stone Veneer from India

    Concrete Suitable uses For decorating your kitchens and backsplashes, living, ceilings, home, office & home interior, corporate walls, cabinet doors & furniture, table tops & reception desks, walls & ceilings, ships, air craft, vehicles & yacht interior, trade show exhibits, rounded surfaces etc. it can be applied on curved surfaces like columns, pillars, etc. To elaborate more, concrete veneer is suitable for use in many sectors, such as businesses, shops, school, leisure facilities, public buildings, hospitality, healthcare, education and residential and more. Front surface of concrete veneer sheets: Real concrete. After installation the sheets give look and feel of genuine concrete walls. The application will look like a greyish plaster finish, slate grey cloudy patterns, smooth finish, rugged finish besides the seemingly look pits can also be less or more as per your requirement Backing of thin concrete veneer: This 2mm rust look oxido flexible sheets has a backing of GRP (glass fiber reinforced polyester resin) + fleece (surface mat) Thickness of flexible concrete veneer: 1.5-2.5 mm (1/16" - 3/32") Weight of concrete veneer: 1.5 kilogram (122 x 61 cm / sheet) 6 kilogram (244 x 122 cm / sheet ) Concrete veneer price please send us an email for natural thin stone veneer price, we are manufacturers of flexible stone sheets from India sells at wholesale prices. Concrete veneer life Concrete veneer sheet can normally be lasts for life, but practically and to be honest we assure you a 7 years of perfect life span. We are leading manufacturer and exporter of decorative concrete veneer sheets from India. Concrete veneer samples Flexible stone veneer sheet samples are available in 30 x 20 cm (A4 size). We are fastest-growing stone veneer manufacturers in India. Transport benefits of concrete veneer sheets 300 sheets i.e. 223.26 sqm / Crate Suitable substrates for concrete veneer sheets Tiling, wood, metal, cement, plaster, glass etc. Packaging of concrete veneer sheets First in corrugated box and then in wooden crate Best waterproofing / sealants Akemi Company's "Nano Repellant" & sealer from Fila Industria Chimica Spa, Italy is also best Best Adhesives / Glues (a) Kerakoll’s Company’s Super Flex Eco (b) Kerakoll’s Company’s Epoxy Eco (c) MYK Laticrete company's Latapoxy-270 We supply concrete veneer sheets in following demanding sizes: We can deliver custom-made sizes also MOQ: 4'x2' = 100 sheets at least (800 sq. ft. to cover) MOQ: 8'x4' = 100 sheets at least (3200 sq. ft. to cover) Explore Other Product Categories White Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm white concrete flexible stone veneer sheets Light Grey Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm light grey concrete flexible stone veneer sheets Dark Grey Stone veneer flexible is the no.1 worldwide supplier & exporter of high quality, unique & handcrafted 2mm dark grey concrete flexible stone veneer sheets Cutting with Hard-metal tipped circular saw, skill saw (diamond blade, stone saw), always cut from the rear side. Drilling and routing The veneer is made up of at least 90% cement, you need to use tools for wood or stone industry only. Concrete veneer flexibility Can be increased by applying heat (using heat-gun around 400°C) Storage Store the concrete veneer sheets in a dry, clean place away from direct sunlight, flat or rolled up, never store outdoors. Main benefits of concrete veneer panels The concrete veneer sheets can give 2 major benefits: The sheets can absorb ambient noise The sheets will be indistinguishable from 'real' concrete. Fiberglass Translucent Fabric Marble Sandstone Limestone Metallic Oxido Concrete Granite Terrazzo 3D Panels Macbook Cover Stoneveneerflexible is the largest manufacturer and supplier of concrete flexible stone veneer from India to the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Slovakia, Mexico, Argentina, Thailand etc. Filter using Product Tags Self-Adhesive Stone Panels Piedraflexible Thinstone Thin Slate Decors Flexible Stone Tile from India Flexible Wall Stone from India Peel and Stick Stone Backsplash Stone veneer manufacturer Ultrathinstone Flexible Stone Veneer Manufacturer

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